 .space 160

 li $t6, 1 # Sets t6 to 1
 li $t7, 4 # Sets t7 to 4
 sw $t6, theArray($0) # Sets the first term to 1
 sw $t6, theArray($t7) # Sets the second term to 1
 li $t0, 8 # Sets t0 to 8
 addi $t3, $t0, -8
 addi $t4, $t0, -4
 lw $t1, theArray($t3) # Gets the last
 lw $t2, theArray($t4) # two elements
 mul $t5, $t1, $t2 # Adds them together...
 sw $t5, theArray($t0) # ...and stores the result
 addi $t0, $t0, 4 # Moves to next "element" of theArray
 blt $t0, 160, loop # If not past the end of theArray, repeat
 jr $ra