import*; import*; /** * @author Nicolás A. Ortega * @copyright Nicolás A. Ortega * @license MIT * @year 2014 * * For details on the copyright, look at the COPYRIGHT file that came with * this program. * */ public class ServerThread extends Thread { private Server server = null; private Socket socket = null; private int id = -1; private String username = "User"; private DataInputStream streamIn = null; private DataOutputStream streamOut = null; private boolean run = false; private boolean admin = false; // Constructor method public ServerThread(Server _server, Socket _socket) { super(); this.socket = _socket; this.server = _server; id = socket.getPort(); } // Method used to send a message to this client public void send(String msg) { try { streamOut.writeUTF(msg); streamOut.flush(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(id + " Error sending: " + e.getMessage()); server.remove(id); interrupt(); } } // The run method which will run in a loop public void run() { System.out.println("Server thread " + id + " running."); while(run) { try { server.handle(id, username, streamIn.readUTF()); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(id + " error reading: " + e.getMessage()); server.remove(id); interrupt(); } } } // Run a command public void runCommand(String command) { if(command.equals("/help")) { send(" - /admin [passwd] -- Gain admin privileges.\n" + " - /list -- Returns all the user's ID's and usernames.\n" + " - /myID -- Returns your ID.\n" + " - /myUserName -- Returns your username.\n" + " - /pm [id] [msg] -- Sends a message to only one of the clients.\n" + " - /setUserName [newusername] -- Change your username.\n" + " - /clientVersion -- Returns the version of the client.\n" + " - /serverVersion -- Returns the version of the server.\n" + " - /help -- Show this information.\n" + " - /quit -- Quit.\n"); if(admin) { send("Admin commands:\n" + " - /chgpasswd [newpasswd] -- Change the server admin password.\n" + " - /giveadmin [id] -- Give another client admin as well.\n" + " - /kick [id] [reason] -- Kick out a user and state a reason for the kick.\n"); } } else if(command.length() > 6 && command.substring(0, 6).equals("/admin")) { if(command.substring(7).equals(server.getPasswd())) { admin = true; send("You are now admin.\n"); } else { send("Wrong password.\n"); } } else if(command.equals("/myID")) { send(Integer.toString(id) + "\n"); } else if(command.equals("/myUserName")) { send(username + "\n"); } else if(command.length() > 12 && command.substring(0, 12).equals("/setUserName")) { if(command.length() <= 13) { send("You did not enter a new username."); } else { username = command.substring(13); send("Your username is now: " + username + "\n"); } } else if(admin && command.length() > 10 && command.substring(0, 10).equals("/chgpasswd")) { if(command.length() > 11) { server.setPasswd(command.substring(11)); } else { send("You did not enter a new password.\n"); } } else { send("You have either entered an invalid command, or used an improper form.\n"); } } // Open the streams public void open() throws IOException { streamIn = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream())); streamOut = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream())); run = true; } // Close the streams public void close() throws IOException { if(socket != null) { socket.close(); } if(streamIn != null) { streamIn.close(); } if(streamOut != null) { streamOut.close(); } run = false; } // Getter methods public int getID() { return id; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public boolean isAdmin() { return admin; } // Setter methods public void setAdmin(boolean a) { this.admin = a; } }