#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) 2024 Ortega Froysa, Nicolás All rights reserved. # Author: Ortega Froysa, Nicolás # # This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied # warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages # arising from the use of this software. # # Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, # including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it # freely, subject to the following restrictions: # # 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not # claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software # in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be # appreciated but is not required. # # 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be # misrepresented as being the original software. # # 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source # distribution. use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(signatures); use Getopt::Std; use File::ReadBackwards; my $VERSION = '1.0'; my $PROG_NAME = 'pacundo'; sub print_version() { print("$PROG_NAME v$VERSION\n"); return; } sub print_help() { &print_version(); print("A time machine to return your ArchLinux machine back to a working state. USAGE: $PROG_NAME [-i|-r] [-t ] [-d] $PROG_NAME -h $PROG_NAME -v OPTIONS: -i Enter interactive mode to select packages to downgrade [default behavior] -r Automatically downgrade all packages from last upgrade -t Specify the number of transactions to include for undoing selection [default 1] -d Dry run, i.e. don't actually do anything -h Show this help information -v Print program version\n"); return; } sub read_txs($num_txs = 1) { my $found_txs = 0; my $in_tx = 0; my @undo_txs; my $pacman_log = File::ReadBackwards->new('/var/log/pacman.log') or die("Failed to load pacman log file.\n$!\n"); while ($found_txs < $num_txs && defined(my $line = $pacman_log->readline)) { unless ($in_tx) { # Remeber that we're reading this in reverse order if ($line =~ /\[ALPM\] transaction completed/) { $in_tx = 1; } } elsif ($line =~ /\[ALPM\] transaction started/) { $found_txs++; $in_tx = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /\[ALPM\] (upgraded|downgraded)/) { my ($action, $pkg_name, $oldver, $newver) = $line =~ /\[ALPM\] (upgraded|downgraded) ([^\s]+) \((.*) -> (.*)\)/; push(@undo_txs, { action => $action, pkg_name => $pkg_name, oldver => $oldver, newver => $newver, } ); } elsif ($line =~ /\[ALPM\] (installed|removed)/) { my ($action, $pkg_name) = $line =~ /\[ALPM\] (installed|removed) ([^\s]+)/; push(@undo_txs, { action => $action, pkg_name => $pkg_name, } ); } } return @undo_txs; } sub select_txs(@undo_txs) { print("Last changes:\n"); my $n = 1; foreach my $tx (@undo_txs) { format UPGRFORMAT = @|| @<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<< -> @<<<<<<<<<<<<< $n, $tx->{action}, $tx->{pkg_name}, $tx->{oldver}, $tx->{newver} . format INSTFORMAT = @|| @<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $n, $tx->{action}, $tx->{pkg_name} . local $~ = ($tx->{action} =~ /(upgraded|downgraded)/) ? "UPGRFORMAT" : "INSTFORMAT"; write(); $n++; } print("Select transactions to undo (e.g. '1 2 3', '1-3')\n> "); my @sel = split(' ', ); foreach my $i (grep({/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$/} @sel)) { my ($start, $end) = $i =~ /^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$/; die("Invalid range: $start-$end\n") if ($start >= $end); push(@sel, ($start..$end)); } @sel = sort grep({!/[0-9]+-[0-9]+/} @sel); my @sel_undo; push(@sel_undo, $undo_txs[$_-1]) foreach (@sel); return @sel_undo; } # NOTE: Currently this subroutine only works for pacman and yay. You'll have to # add options for additional AUR helpers. sub get_pkgmgr() { # TODO: autodetect AUR helper my $mgr = $ENV{DEFAULT_PKGMGR} // 'pacman'; my $sudo = ''; my $user = $ENV{LOGNAME} || $ENV{USER}; my $mgr_bin = `which $mgr 2>&1`; if ($? != 0) { print(STDERR "Failed to find pacman executable. Are you using an ArchLinux system?\n"); exit 1; } chomp($mgr_bin); if ($mgr eq 'pacman' && $user ne 'root') { $sudo = 'sudo'; } my %pkgmgr = ( name => $mgr, bin => $mgr_bin, search => "$sudo $mgr_bin -Ss", install_remote => "$sudo $mgr_bin -S", install_local => "$sudo $mgr_bin -U", remove => "$sudo $mgr_bin -R", ); return \%pkgmgr; } sub find_local_pkg($pkgmgr, $pkg_name, $pkg_ver) { my $pkg_file = ''; my $aur_dir = "$ENV{'XDG_CACHE_HOME'}/yay/$pkg_name"; if ($pkgmgr->{name} eq 'yay' && -d $aur_dir) { $pkg_file = `ls $aur_dir/$pkg_name-$pkg_ver-*.pkg.tar.zst | tail -n1`; } else { $pkg_file = `ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pkg_name-$pkg_ver-*.pkg.tar.zst | tail -n1`; } chomp($pkg_file); return $pkg_file; } getopts("irt:dvh", \my %opts); if ($opts{'v'}) { &print_version(); exit 0; } elsif ($opts{'h'}) { &print_help(); exit 0; } elsif ($opts{'r'} && $opts{'i'}) { print("Improper usage. -r and -i cannot be used at the same time.\n"); print("Use -h for help information.\n"); exit 1; } elsif ($opts{'t'} && !($opts{'t'} =~ /[0-9]+/)) { print("The argument for -t must be a positive integer.\n"); exit 1; } my $r_flag = $opts{'r'} // 0; my $dry_run = $opts{'d'} // 0; my $num_txs = $opts{'t'} // 1; my $pkgmgr = &get_pkgmgr(); my @undo_txs = &read_txs($num_txs); # Interactive mode @undo_txs = &select_txs(@undo_txs) unless ($r_flag); my $remove_pkgs = ""; # executed via -R my $remote_install_pkgs = ""; # executed via -S my $local_install_pkgs = ""; # executed via -U foreach my $tx (@undo_txs) { if ($tx->{action} eq 'installed') { $remove_pkgs .= "$tx->{pkg_name} "; } elsif ($tx->{action} eq 'removed') { # TODO: install local package if available $remote_install_pkgs .= "$tx->{pkg_name} "; } else { my $pkg_file = &find_local_pkg($pkgmgr, $tx->{pkg_name}, $tx->{oldver}); if ($pkg_file eq '') { $remote_install_pkgs .= "$tx->{pkg_name} "; } else { $local_install_pkgs .= "$pkg_file "; } } } system("$pkgmgr->{remove} $remove_pkgs") if ($remove_pkgs ne ''); system("$pkgmgr->{install_remote} $remote_install_pkgs") if ($remote_install_pkgs ne ''); system("$pkgmgr->{install_local} $local_install_pkgs") if ($local_install_pkgs ne '');