Improv I album cover

Track Listing

Side 1

N. Title Audio Etc.
01 Lazy Days ogg mp3 lyrics
02 Family Vacation
03 Where Are You? ogg mp3 lyrics
04 Late Night Thoughts demo (ogg) lyrics
05 Can You Remember Me?
06 Linda's Open Doors demo (ogg) lyrics

Side 2

N. Title
01 Lonely Avenue (Going Commando Cover)
02 Brilliant White of a Distant Sun ([dK] Cover)


This is an album in progress. Since it's a more complex album that I decided to put quite a bit of effort into, it will take longer to finish. However, I can say that it will be a conceptual album with the theme being summer (hence the title). I have many of the song ideas written down, many of which were written from the summer of 2013 to autumn of 2014. This album also will contain a second side made available on this webpage composed of covers of some free culture songs.

So far the tools/software that have been used to record this album have been Audacity, QjackCtl, Guitarix, ZynAddSubFX, and Hydrogen.

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 International