Living independently in an apartment, I've learned to make quite a few meals out of cheap ingredients and leftovers. This was a meal that I would make to get through a lot of potatoes that I'd have lying around.

The tools you'll need are a large pot (to boil the potatoes in), and a wok or large pan.



  1. Dice up the potatoes and put them in the pot to boil.
  2. Chop up the vegetables to your liking, and sauté them. Normally I sauté the onions and peppers first until the onions are golden, then add the garlic.
  3. When the potatoes are nice and soft (but not falling apart) strain them into a colander.
  4. Put the vegetables aside on a plate or something and begin to sauté the potatoes.
  5. When the potatoes are to your liking, add the vegetables on top and add the pureed tomato sauce or the soy sauce (whichever you prefer) and the spices.

If all went well, you should now have yourself a wok-full of tasty potatoes.

¡Que aproveche!