============= *** TTT3D *** ============= TTT3D is a 3D tic-tac-toe game for class. This project was implemented in OpenGL 3.3, and uses several different libraries which were used to simplify the development. # How to Play ------------- The objective of the game is to place three pieces of a kind in a row of three. When entering the game there will be a piece hovering over the board in green. This is the temporary piece you place on the board in order to choose which square to put it in. You can control this piece with the following inputs: - Arrow Keys: move the piece across the board. - Spacebar: Place the piece below. If the piece is red, this means that another piece is currently below, and you cannot place another piece there. # Building ---------- ## Requirements The following requirements are necessary to build this project: - C++14 compatible compiler (GCC is recommended) - CMake 2.8 or greater - OpenGL 3.3 or greater - GLEW - GLUT - GLM - AssImp (used for model importing) - SDL2 (used for window and input management) ## Compiling To compile run the following commands from the root directory of the project: cd build/ cmake .. make By default this will create a release build of the program with compiler optimizations. To compile with debug flags, append the flag `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug' to the `cmake' command above. # License --------- The contents of the directory `assets/models/' belong to the public domain. All other files of this project are licensed with the GNU Affero General Publice License (see `LICENSE' file).