<p>OfalltheprogramminglanguagesmyfavoriteingeneralisC.I'm fine with using other languages, but C is by far my favorite. The reason for this is that C is much closer to assembly than other languages which try to abstract it away from the developer. When programming in C you can see how the code would look in assembly just by looking at it, and it makes it easier to do performance improvements since you know what the code will look like more-or-less in assembly (with `-O0',ofcourse).Thismakesitmucheasierformetovisualizehowthecomputerisgoingtobemanagingthesystem's resources with my code and how it'sgoingtorunit,givingmemuchmorecontrol(somethingthatItypicallyamattractedtoinaprogramminglanguageorincomputingingeneral).Thenthere's also how the code in C is still low-level and is compiled to a binary, being much more efficient than an interpreted language. It is also quite basic, having a fewer variety of syntax which helps to make finding 'thebestsolution'mucheasier(unlikeinC++wherethereare200differentwaystoimplementthesamething).</p>