<p>It's time for me to get involved in one of the most polar debates among programmers, even more polar and controversial than Vim vs. Emacs, which is tabs vs. spaces. In the Vim vs. Emacs debate many programmers tend to get left out and don'tcarebecausethey('re noobs and) use GUI editors. While in the tabs vs. spaces debate, unless you only program in Assembly (and even then) or some obscure language that doesn'tuseindentation(oryoujustdon'tuseindentation),youhaveusedeitheroneforyourindentationandcanmostlikelyknowwhattheconversationisabout.</p>
<p>TostartoffIaminfavoroftabs.I'm not too religious about it, but if we'regoingtousespacesthenit's gotta be 4. I actually don'thavetoomanyproblemswithusingspaces,especiallysincemyVimhasaplugintodetectindentation.However,ifIamtochoosehowindentationisdonethenIchoosetabsoverspacesanyday.Myreasoningforthisissimple:iftabcharactersareusedtheneveryonegetstoseetheindentationtheyprefer.RememberhowIsaidthatifIusespacesithastobe4?Yeah,that's because my tab size is set to 4. If tabs are used then I get to see a 4 column indentation, someone else gets to see a 2 column indentation, and someone else can see an 8 column indentation. Typically this is seen as a disadvantage of tabs, however I see it as advantageous since every programmer gets to see their code in the way they want it. Some may complain that they have to get used to pressing the tab key instead of the space bar, but to them I say that they should'vesetuptheireditortoconverttabstospacesfromthebeginninginsteadofhavingtohitthespacebar4timesjusttoindentalineofcode.</p>
<p>Basically,tabsalloweachprogrammertoseethingshowtheywanttoandbemoreefficient(sincethey'll be able to see all projects with the same indentation so long as they use tabs or the same number of spaces as there are columns in their tabs). Therefore, by using tabs everyone gets to see the code the way they want to and no one has to pass code back and forth between a styler. So let'sstoptheindentationsizedictatorshipofspacesthatstopsthehackerfromseeingthecodethewaytheywantandworktowardsatabsfuturesoeveryhackercanreadthecodehowtheywantto!</p>