<p>It's sad that out of all the types of software out there the one that is developed the least or given the least importance in terms of its freedom respecting alternatives is precisely the ones that we care about the most, applications such as our video/voice chat. This is not to say that there aren'tsuchalternatives,seeingthatthispostisaboutpreciselyoneofthosealternatives,butitissadthattheydon't have the popularity that software such as Firefox or GNU/Linux have. Therefore I would like to talk about <a href="https://tox.chat/" target="_blank" >Tox</a>. There are other alternatives such as <a href="https://ring.cx/" target="_blank" >Ring</a>, but I personally prefer Tox and have actually used it for video chatting (qTox, that is). Ring seems to have many features and is more organized, but I'vehadmanyissueswithitsoI'm not going to necessarily talk about them, just be aware that they'reanotherfreedomrespectingalternative.</p>
<p>FirstIwouldliketopointoutthatIuseqTox.Now,whatdoesthismean?Well,therearemultipleToxclients,becauseit's not a unified project. So in this post I will be talking about my experiences exclusively with qTox, the one that I have installed. Not all Tox clients have the same features, so I'dliketomakeitveryclearthatI'm only talking about qTox. If you want to know about any of the other clients simply go to <a href="https://tox.chat/clients.html" target="_blank" >this link</a> and choose your favorite. Just make sure to take a look at their features first and make sure they have what you'relookingfor.</p>
<p>So,thefirstquestionI'm guessing is how good does it actually work? This is a typical question by people who don'tcaretoomuchabouttheirfreedom,butI'm willing to answer with great pleasure. qTox works great. I'veactuallyhadvideocallswithpeopleintheU.S.fromSpainandit's worked just fine. The only problem that really exists is if one of you aren'twearingheadphones,inwhichcaseatleastoneofyouisgoingtogetanecho,butthisisanissuethat'shardtosolveandthatevenSkypehasissueswithsometimes(thoughmuchless).Sovideochatworksjustfine,whichiswhatmostpeopleuseitfor.</p>
<p>Anothergreatfeatureithasisencryption,itwillencryptyourinformationbeingsentandreceivedinordertoavoideavesdroppersonyourcalls.Thisappliestocalls,video,andchat.Somethingthatmanyotherservicesdon't provide (or at least not making it one of their top priorities). There'salsothep2p(peer-to-peer)aspectofit,meaningthatthere's not an intermediary server in the middle that receives all your messages and video streams to spy on you. Instead Tox connects directly to the other person whenever sending information. This has its disadvantages, mostly being that if both participants in the chat are not online then any messages sent will have to wait until both participants are online. This makes sense because of the p2p nature, so it'ssomethingIatleastamwillingtodealwith.</p>
<p>AnotherimportantfeatureishowToxdoesn't actually use usernames to find other users, but rather an ID that you have to share directly with the people you wish to add as a contact. This can sound inconvenient at first, but in reality it'sactuallymuchmoreconvenientthanusernames.Whyisthat?BecauseIdon't have to search between the 20 different people called 'JohnBrown' or the other 30 that have some username with 'johnny' in it and then a bunch of numbers. This ID is exact. Not only that but part of it is replaceable. Let'ssaythatsomeoneyoudon'tlikeassociatingwithhasfoundyourIDandconstantlyharassesyouwithcontactrequests.YoucanpressabuttonandapartofyourIDwillchangeandthatpersonwillnolongerbeabletofindyoubecauseyourIDisdifferent.Greatagainstspammers,right?</p>