<p>Firstly,let's take a look at the health aspect of vegetarianism. We humans are, as pointed out by many vegetarians, opportunistically omnivores. We developed as a species the capability to eat meat in order to survive an era when it was difficult to find edible plants. This was made easier by our development of cooking, which allowed us to kill a lot of harmful bacteria in the meat we eat. However, by eating a vegetarian diet, it is important to make sure you find all the nutrients we get today from meat, which may not be as easy to find as they were when we were hunter gatherers. More importantly, just because you have a vegetarian diet does not mean your diet is healthy! Some of the more unhealthy things are still vegetarian: sugar, tobacco, alcohol, junk food, etc. What'smore,thisisalsopartofaverynaiveideathathealthisonlyaboutwhatyoueat,ignoringcompletelytheimportantroleofexerciseandpositivesocialinteraction.</p>
<p>Next,theissueofmorality.Theclaimisthat,justasitisimmoraltokillandexploitanotherhumanbeing,thesameconceptshouldapplytoanimals,specificallybecauseanimalsareconscious,andcanfeelpainandfear.Ifindafewissueswiththiswayofthought.Firstandforemost,Ifindittobesomewhathomo-exceptionalist("homo"meaninghuman).It's based on the idea that we humans are separate from nature and abide by different rules, that we have no responsibilities in maintaining the balance of nature, and (even more concerning) that we are above nature and can choose to be a benevolent species who can decide the life of other animals (hence the vegetarian pet food, and campaigns to spay and neuter pets). Although this philosophy tries to be more naturalist, it ends up falling for the same mistakes propagated by many the Abrahamic religions that Earth is a kingdom and we (as a species) are its rulers (on behalf of God), and we may choose to be benevolent rulers, or malevolent rulers. The reality is that the entire universe is a system, and we humans form part of that system, and therefore we serve a purpose. Just like every other living being on Earth, we help to control the population of our food (whether it be animal or plant). Today, in Spain, there is <a href="http://www.iberianature.com/material/wild_boar_spain.html" target="_blank" >an ever growing population of wild boar</a>, that despite hunting 60,000 to 100,000 a year, it still continues to grow. Without humans hunting these animals they would grow out of control and destroy the ecosystem (putting many humans and other animals in danger). It'salsoworthaskingwhatwewoulddoshoulditbediscoveredthatotherbeings(suchasplantsandfungi)havetheirownformofconsciousness(somethingthathasbeenspeculated,especiallywith<ahref="http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141111-plants-have-a-hidden-internet"target="_blank">theexistenceoflargefungalnetworks</a>).</p>
<p>Anotherpartofthemoralistvegetariansthatisworthnoting,isthatmanywillboycottagoodorservicethatusesanimalproducts(suchasmilk,meat,leather,etc.)indefenseoftheanimal,butwillnotdothesameincasesofclearhumanrightsviolationssuchaschildlabour,slavelabour,orsexslavery.Assuchitdemonstratesaclearcontradictioninone's mentality. The only way to have both a vegetarian moral code, and continue to enjoy the fruits of the exploitation of other people is to believe that humans are not only separate from animals (which would contradict with the reasoning behind expanding our morality to animals in the first place), but inferior to them. A very self-hating and unnatural sense of morality. (<b>NOTE</b>: please notice that not all vegetarians have this last mentality, it'ssomethingthatyoumustdetermineonanindividualbasis,notsomethingtobegeneralized.)</p>
<p>Finally,theissueofenvironmentalismandsustainability.Thisis,perhaps,theonlyreasonforvegetarianismthatseemssound.Thelogicisthat,asasociety,weareconsumingtoomuchanimalproduct.Tocreatemeat,youneedtoraiseananimal,andfeedituntilithasbecomelargeenoughthatit's worth eating. This process is long and requires a lot of energy and resources. Environmentalist vegetarians do not consume animal product as a way of trying to balance out the extreme wastefulness of the rest of society. Unfortunately, this issue will not be solved by a few million people <i>sacrificing</i> themselves so the rest of us can continue our wasteful ways. The only solution for this issue is for all of us to cut back on our consumption of animal products. It'snotnecessarytoremoveitcompletely,butitisnecessarytodiminishitsignificantly.</p>
<p>Ultimately,Idon't think vegetarianism is the solution to health, moral, or environmental problems. In some cases it'samisunderstandingofnutrition,inothersaflawedsenseofmorality,andforsomeanoble(butfutile)attempttosavehumanity.Intheend,Ithinkthatamuchbetterphilosophytoadvocate(andmuchmorerealisticandwithbetterprobabilitytogivegoodresults)iscommunityself-sufficiency.Byrelyingonresourceswithinyourareaforbasicnecessities,yourcommunitywillbemoresustainable:itcannotconsumemorethanwhatnaturecanprovide,pluslesstransportofproduceacrosstheglobeandthereforeusinglessgas,etc.;lessdangeroustogamepopulation:byhuntinganimalsinyourarea,yourcommunitywillnoticewhenthepopulationisgrowingorshrinkingandknowwhetheryoushouldbehuntingmoreorlesseachyear;andhealthier:thedietwillconsistofplantsandanimalsfromyourecosystem,inproportionsthatarehealthier,anditwillpromoteexerciseinordertogrow/huntthefoodyoueat,aswellascreatingpositivesocialinteractionbetweencommunitymemberswhileobtainingthesefoods.</p>