<p>OnethingI've always loved and come to appreciate more and more is the wonderful nothingness which is silence. It allows for people to be calm, where one can think clearly, be at peace with one'sselfandnotbeinterruptedbyone'ssurroundings.Ittrulyissomethingbeautiful.</p>
<p>However,sadly,therearefewinthisworldwhotrulyvaluesilence.What's more, it seems that every time there is silence people consider it 'awkward', and try to fill it in either with conversation (which is not bad) or noise (which is horrifyingly repulsive compared to the sweetness of silence), typically from an electronic device such as a television, radio, mobile device, or other. To these people I ask: what is wrong with silence? Are you that afraid of 'loneliness'?Afterall,silencedoesmakeusfeelmorealone.Orperhapsisitthatyoufeelthatforsomereasonemptinessdemandstobefilled?Inwhichcase,whyisitthatyoufeelthisneedtofillthegap?</p>