<p>OverthecourseofthissummerI've been working a lot on the album 'Summer', primarily on the song "Linda'sOpenDoors". Currently I believe I've made a final draft of the song. Currently I have three more songs that I can finish before the end of the summer, of which two of them only require for me to record the vocals, and one of them requires vocals and a synthesizer. After this I'll only be missing 4 other songs (so half the album will be ready). I am currently considering releasing in the summer of 2019.</p>
<p>Ihavenotupdatedanyoftheaudiofilesfor"Linda's Open Doors"onthewebpage,andIwon'treleasethefinalversionofthesongonthewebsiteuntilIreleasethealbum.However,Iwillbereleasingthefinalversionsof"Where Are You?"and"Late Night Thoughts"beforethereleaseofthealbum.</p>