Added a few blog posts.
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filename = 2021-03-25-book-review-the-lambs-supper-by-scott-hahn.html
title = Book Review: "The Lamb's Supper" by Scott Hahn
description = Of the (few) Catholic books I have read so far, this this the second book to have impacted me the most (the first being the Holy Bible). Dr. Hahn does a splendid job of interpreting the Book of Revelations as a description of the Holy Mass.
created = 2021-03-25
updated = 2021-03-25
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
<p>This is the first book review I'm doing, so don't expect very much,
and it's on the book <i>The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on
Earth</i> by Dr. Scott Hahn, where Dr. Hahn explains how the <i>Book of
Revelations</i> (a.k.a. the <i>Book of the Apocalypse</i>) can be
interpreted as a description of the Divine Liturgy (i.e. the Holy
<p>The <i>Book of the Apocalypse</i> has had many, many, many different
interpretations over the centuries; perhaps the most common being either
a futurist depiction of events to come in the End Days, or an extremely
metaphorical description of the razing of Jerusalem. And Dr. Hahn does
not discard that these may be accurate interpretations, for as we should
all know, Sacred Scripture can be layered with meanings. He does,
however, propose the interpretation that this Book is a description of
the Divine Liturgy that we celebrate every time we go to Holy Mass.</p>
<p>As he himself points out, this is not a new idea that he came up
with. In fact, it would seem to be an idea that has existed since the
early Christians. This is why in traditional art for the Mass you can
see so many references to the <i>Book of Revelations</i>. It's even
alluded to in documents such as <i>Sacrosanctum Concilium</i> § 8 from
the Second Vatican Council.</p>
<p>If one reads the <i>Book of Revelations</i> from this perspective,
and pays close at the Mass (whether <i>novus ordo</i> or <i>vetus
ordo</i>), one can see a striking resemblance between the two. I will
post here a small table from the book showing the resemblance:</p>
<td>Sunday worship</td>
<td>A High Priest</td>
<td>An Altar</td>
<td>8:3-4; 11:1; 14:18</td>
<td>Priests (<i>presbyteroi</i>)</td>
<td>4:4; 11:15; 14:3; 19:4</td>
<td>1:13; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9; 15:6; 19:13-14</td>
<td>Consecrated celibacy</td>
<td>Lamp stands, or Menorah</td>
<td>1:12; 2:5</td>
<td>Ch. 2 and 3</td>
<td>5:8; 8:3-5</td>
<td>The Book, or Scroll</td>
<td>The Eucharistic Host</td>
<td>15:7; ch. 16; 21:9</td>
<td>The Sign of the Cross (the <i>tau</i>)</td>
<td>7:3; 14:1; 22:4</td>
<td>The Gloria</td>
<td>The Alleluia</td>
<td>Lift up your hearts</td>
<td>The "Holy, Holy, Holy"</td>
<td>The <i>Amen</i></td>
<td>19:4; 22:21</td>
<td>The "Lamb of God"</td>
<td>5:6 and throughout</td>
<td>The prominence of the Virgin Mary</td>
<td>12:1-6; 13-17</td>
<td>Intercession of angels and saints</td>
<td>5:8; 6:9-10; 8:3-4</td>
<td>Devotion to St. Michael, archangel</td>
<td>Antiphonal chant</td>
<td>4:8-11; 5:9-14; 7:10-12; 18:1-8</td>
<td>Readings from Scripture</td>
<td>Ch. 2-3; 5; 8:2-11</td>
<td>The priesthood of the faithful</td>
<td>1:6; 20:6</td>
<td>Catholicity, or universality</td>
<td>Silent contemplation</td>
<td>The marriage supper of the Lamb</td>
<p>The lesson that Dr. Hahn wishes for us to see in his book, and hence
its title, is that when we go to Holy Mass on Sunday and precepts, we
are not only in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we are in
Heaven. In the Holy Mass we are together with all the angels and the
saints participating in a unified worship of the One True God, the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Mass isn't just a ritual of the
Church for us to get to Heaven, <em>it is Heaven</em>. This is what
Heaven will be, albeit in a less spacial/temporal manner.</p>
<p>From this, my recommendation is to read the <i>Book of
Revelations</i>, from this perspective, and when you next attend Holy
Mass, visualize what you've read as it happens before you in the Paschal
Sacrifice. Despite how absolutely bland it may seem - I have this
feeling with some <i>novus ordo</i> Masses - what is occurring before
you is truly awesome.</p>
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filename = 2021-04-04-editors-compilers-and-build-systems.html
title = Editors, Compilers, and Build Systems
description = Although IDEs provide a unified development experience where one simply need use one single tool to perform a task (which uses other tools in the background), this seems to create confusion when used among people who are new to computer science. They find themselves unable to distinguish between what is the editor, what is the compiler, and what is the build system.
created = 2021-04-04
updated = 2021-04-04
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
<p>Firstly, a very blessed Easter Sunday to all! I would've liked to
write an Easter Sunday post, but I do not have a topic planned. Alas,
it'll have to wait for another year.</p>
<p>Now let's get into the topic of this post: Editors, compilers, and
build systems. It somewhat bothers me that many university students are
unaware of this distinction. They have a vague idea, but are unable to
pin it down. This is primarily because professors make a point of using
IDEs from the start. As such, some have come to believe that you require
a special program (e.g. Eclipse for Java) in order to write code for a
given language. This limits them severely in their software development,
since they restrict themselves to the tools which the IDE provides them
with. Instead, especially in a university where it's supposed that one
learns the foundational knowledge and concepts of a given field, it
would make more sense to teach students these concepts as separate tools
first, before <em>allowing them</em> to use these all-in-one IDE
<p>I suppose that most of my readers will either know the difference
already, or are not very tech-savvy and probably have no idea what I'm
talking about. But I am going to go over the difference between these
<p>An <em>editor</em> is a tool that is used to edit a plain text file.
That is, any editor can read & write any file written by any other
editor because it's nothing but ASCII text. These editors can be simple,
(e.g. nano) or they can be more complex (e.g. VIM, VSCode), containing
all kinds of features which make editing code easier (e.g. syntax
highlighting, linters, autocompletion).</p>
<p>A <em>compiler</em> is a tool used to turn code written with the
editor into a binary that can be read by the machine (or by a virtual
machine, as in the case of Java). One need not use any particular
compiler for any particular editor. The compiler one wishes to use
depends on the programming language, and the target platform.</p>
<p>A <em>build system</em> is a tool which can be understood like a kind
of <i>script</i> which helps to figure out what compiler commands to
run, and makes compiling an entire project much easier. That is, instead
of writing every single compiler command for every source file manually,
one can simple run the build system and it will run these automatically.
There exist some build systems which are language-dependent (e.g.
Maven), but there are many others which are mostly language-agnostic
(e.g. Makefile, CMake, Ninja).</p>
<p>Despite this, I do not wish to make out IDEs to be an inherently bad
thing. For although I personally have been using (Neo)Vim for about 5
years now, and am very content with it, I recognize that for many an
integrated development environment (IDE) may be the more productive tool
for their particular use. But I believe that being able to discriminate
between these different components, which in an IDE are integrated into
one single tool, is vital for proper project management and
collaboration with others who may not want to use the same tools.</p>
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
filename = 2021-04-08-los-siete-dolores-y-gozos-de-san-jose.html
title = Los Siete Dolores Y Gozos De San José
description = Siete meditaciones sobre los dolores y los gozos de San José.
created = 2021-04-08
updated = 2021-04-08
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
<p><i>Este texto lo he sacado de mi Misal Completo Latino-Español. Son
siete meditaciones sobre la vida de San José.</i></p>
<p>Dice Santa Teresa: «No me acuerdo de haberle pedido cosa que la haya
dejado de hacer. Es cosa que espanta las grandes mercedes que me ha
hecho Dios por medio de este Santo, los peligros de que me ha librado,
así de cuerpo como de alma. Que a otros Santos parece les dió el Señor
gracia para socorrer en una necesidad, mas este glorioso Santo tengo
experimentado que socorre en todas y que quiere el Señor darnos a
entender que así como le fué sujeto en la tierra, así en el cielo hará
cuanto le pida.»</p>
<p>I. ¡Oh castísimo esposo de María Santísima, glorioso San José!: así
como fué grande la aflicción y la angustia de vuestro corazón en la
perplejidad de abandonar a vuestra purísima Esposa, así fué inefable la
alegría cuando el Ángel os reveló el soberano misterio de la
Encarnación. Por este dolor y este gozo os pedimos que consoléis nuestra
alma ahora y en nuestros últimos dolores con la alegría de una vida
justa y de una santa muerte semejante a la vuestra, asistidos de Jesús y
María. <i>Padrenuestro... Avemaría... Gloria...</i></p>
<p>II. ¡Oh felicísimo Patriarca, glorioso San José, que fuisteis
escogido para padre adoptivo del Verbo humanado!: el dolor que
sentisteis viendo nacer al Niño Jesús en tanta pobreza se pobreza se
trocó súbitamente en celestial alegría al oír la armonía de los ángeles
y ver la gloria de aquella noche tan resplandeciente. Por este dolor y
este gozo os suplicamos nos alcancéis que, después del camino de esta
vida, vayamos a escuchar las alabanzas de los ángeles y a gozar de los
resplandores de la gloria celestial. <i>Padrenuestro... Avemaría...
<p>III. ¡Oh ejecutor obedientísimo de las leyes divinas, glorioso San
José!: la sangre preciosísima que el Niño Redentor derramó en la
Circuncisión os traspasó el corazón; mas el nombre de Jesús os lo
confortó, llenándolo de alegría. Por este dolor y este gozo alcanzadnos
que, quitando de nosotros todo pecado en esta vida, expiremos, gozosos,
con el nombre santísimo de Jesús en el corazón y en los labios.
<i>Padrenuestro... Avemaría... Gloria...</i></p>
<p>IV. ¡Oh fidelísimo Santo, que tomasteis parte en los misterios de
nuestra Redención, glorioso San José!: si la profecía de Simeón sobre lo
que Jesús y María habían de padecer os causó una pena mortal, os colmó
también de un santo gozo anunciándoos la salvación y resurrección que de
ahí se seguiría para innumerables almas. Por este dolor y este gozo,
alcanzadnos que seamos del número de aquellos que por los méritos de
Jesús y la intercesión de la Virgen Madre, han de resucitar
gloriosamente. <i>Padrenuestro... Avemaría... Gloria...</i></p>
<p>V. ¡Oh vigilantísimo Custodio del Hijo de Dios hecho hombre, glorioso
San José!: ¡cuánto padecisteis en sustentar y servir al Hijo del
Altísimo, particularmente cuando tuvisteis que huir a Egipto! Pero
¡cuánto también gozasteis teniendo siempre con Vos al mismo Dios, y
viendo derribarse por tierra los ídolos de los egipcios! Por este dolor
y este gozo, alcanzadnos que teniendo lejos de nosotros al tirano
infernal, especialmente con huir de las ocasiones peligrosas, caiga de
nuestro corazón todo ídolo de afecto terreno, y ocupados del todo en
servir a Jesús y María, vivamos tan sólo para ellos y muramos
felizmente. <i>Padrenuestro... Avemaría... Gloria...</i></p>.
<p>VI. ¡Oh Ángel de la tierra, glorioso San José!, que admirasteis al
Rey del cielo sujeto a vuestras órdenes: si vuestro gozo al traerle de
Egipto se turbó con el temor de Arquelao, tranquilizado después por el
Ángel, vivisteis gozoso en Nazaret con Jesús y María. Por este dolor y
este gozo, alcanzadnos que, libre nuestro corazón de temores nocivos,
gocemos de la paz de la conciencia, vivamos seguros con Jesús y María, y
muramos en su compañía. <i>Padrenuestro... Avemaría...
<p>VII. ¡Oh modelo de toda santidad, glorioso San José!: perdido que
hubisteis, sin culpa vuestra, al Niño Jesús, le buscasteis para mayor
dolor, durante tres días, y al cabo os gozasteis con sumo júbilo al
hallarlo en el templo entre los doctores. Por este dolor y este gozo os
suplicamos entrañablemente intercedáis para que no nos suceda jamás
perder a Jesús por culpa grave; mas si, por desgracia, lo perdiésemos,
haced que lo busquemos con incansable dolor, hasta hallarlo favorable,
sobre todo en nuestra muerte, para ir a gozarle en el cielo y cantar
eternamente con Vos sus divinas misericordias. <i>Padrenuestro...
Avemaría... Gloria...</i></p>
<p><b>Antífona</b> - El mismo Jesús comenzaba a ser como de treinta años
y era tenido por hijo de José.</p>
<p><b>V.</b> Rogad por nosotros, San José.<br />
<b>R.</b> Para que seamos dignos de las promesas de Cristo.</p>
<p><b>Oremos</b> - ¡Oh Dios!, que con inefable providencia os dignasteis
elegir a San José para esposo de vuestra Madre Santísima: os rogamos nos
concedáis que, pues le veneramos como protector en la tierra, merezcamos
tenerle como intercesor en el cielo: Vos que vivís y reináis por los
siglos de los siglos. Amén.</p>
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