============ *** sssg *** ============ Simple Static Site Generator (or sssg) is just what it sounds like. It's also written in Bash. It's only meant to have the most bare bones features, and anything further should be implemented via patches. # Installation -------------- To install the script, you can simply run the `install.sh` script. By default this will install the program to `/usr/local/bin/`. If you wish to install elsewhere, you can do so by specifying the `$PREFIX` variable. # Usage ------- The basic functionality of sssg is to generate pages that use templates (e.g. for headers and footers), so as to have static web pages, but without redundancy on the development side. The basic structure of an sssg project is a root directory with all the desired HTML files, and two subdirectories: - `/_templates/`: used to store HTML templates - `/_site/`: where the generated site will be output These are the default directory names, they can be changed by specifying flags (see `sssg help` for more information). The sssg will parse all HTML files found in the root directory that are not in the templates or generated site directories, looking for includes of templates and parsing variables. ## Templates To include a template into an HTML file, you would simply add the line `#/<file>` to the HTML document where `<file>` is the name of the template file relative to the `_templates/` directory. For example, supposing the following file structure: /index.html /_templates/footer.html /_templates/header.html In order to include `header.html` into the `index.html` document, one would write `#/header.html` within `index.html`, and likewise could be done with `footer.html`. ## Variables Often times we find it necessary to use certain variables in our templates which depend upon the particular page in which they are being used. The best example would be page titles. Therefore, variables would be defined in each individual page, and referenced in the templates. All variables are strings. To define a variable in an HTML file, a section must be declared at the beginning of the file which ends with `%%%`. Within this section, variables are declared and defined by the syntax `<name>=<string>`. Note that there is no need to use quotes, as everything after the `=` is considered part of the string until the end of the line. These variables can then be used in the template files which are imported with the syntax `${<name>}`. For example: index.html: my-title=Home Page %%% #{header.html} ... #{footer.html} _templates/header.html: ... <title>${my-title}</title> ... # Licensing ----------- This script is licensed under the terms & conditions of the GNU GPL version 3 or greater (see `LICENSE` file for more information).